Lelantus Spark Flutter Library

This library will make it easier to build Flutter applications on Firo Lelantus Spark.



  • $13k+ in 1 donations total
  • 0 XMR in 0 donations
  • 0 sats in 0 donations
  • $13k+ Fiat in 1 donations


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Result: Flutter plugin library

With Firo's Lelantus Spark mainnet activation on January 18, 2024, the MAGIC Firo Fund tasked Stack Wallet last December and January to build a Flutter plugin for Firo's sparkmobile library. This Flutter plugin makes it easy for Flutter wallet apps to integrate Firo Lelantus Spark, and because it is MIT-licensed, anyone can use the plugin.

Lelantus Spark is an important evolution in Firo's network. Spark transactions within Spark addresses hide the sender, receiver, and amount transferred.

MAGIC Grants is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Your donation may qualify for a tax deduction. Cryptocurrency donations over $500 require additional paperwork to claim a deduction.
© 2025 MAGIC Grants. This website builds upon technology by Open Sats.