Monero Fund
Firo Fund
- Support our 2025 scholarship for undergraduate students who are interested in cryptocurrencies.Goal: $6K
2025 Undergraduate Scholarships
by Justin Ehrenhofer0% - A trustless way to exchange Monero and Ethereum.Goal: $24K
ETH<>XMR Atomic Swap Continued Development
by noot100% - A test of machine learning attacks on Monero's untraceability.Goal: $12K
Ring Signature Resiliency to AI Analysis
by ACK-J100% - Aram Jivanyan, a researcher with years of research and implementation experience with Firo and Lelantus Spark, is working with MAGIC Grants to conduct six months of additional curve research to improve the privacy of Lelantus Spark.Goal: $40K
Aram Jivanyan to Research Elliptic Curves
by Aram Jivanyan100% - The EAE attack is one of Monero's privacy weak points. Churning may be a solution.Goal: $29K
Research to Defeat EAE Attack and Analyze Effectiveness of Churning Procedures
by Dr. Nathan Borggren100% - This library will make it easier to build Flutter applications on Firo Lelantus Spark.Goal: $13K
Lelantus Spark Flutter Library
by Cypher Stack100%